Invest in Denmark
As Denmark's official investment promotion agency within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Invest in Denmark has access to the key decision makers through offices across Germany and around the globe. So if your company is considering locating in Denmark and accessing one of Europe's most skilled and competitive talent pools, then Invest in Denmark should be your first stop.
Invest in Denmark's services
Invest in Denmark offers foreign investors support in all phases of their investment: Before, during and after.
Before your organisation sets up, we help with gathering background information and analysing the potential solutions. We create a market overview, benchmark services, map customers and partners, identify funding opportunities and give key industry insights. All the information you need, to make a qualified decision on the expansion of your organisation.
During the establishing of your organisation in Denmark, our advisors in Germany and in Denmark support with practical assistance, legal and financial advice, location search and introductory meetings with business clusters and public authorities.
But even after everything is up and running, our aftercare services can help you expanding or, in case of changing markets, retention. Everything free of charge.
Employees close to the companies
Invest in Denmark has specialized employees at selected embassies, innovation centres and consulates in Europe, Asia and North America. Our specialized staff across the globe has the corporate background, industry insight and well-connected networks to advise you on every aspect of locating in Denmark. Not just when you set up, but also as your business grows.
Want to know more? Reach out to our Invest in Denmark employees for further information.
Medarbejdere tæt på virksomhederne
Invest in Denmark har specialiserede medarbejdere på udvalgte ambassader, innovationscentre og generalkonsulater i Europa, Asien og Nordamerika. Investeringsfremmemedarbejderne ude i verden opsøger aktivt de bedste potentielle udenlandske investorer med henblik på at identificere konkrete projekter og muligheder.
Invest in Denmarks ydelser
Invest in Denmark tilbyder potentielle udenlandske investorer information og analyser om Danmark uden beregning. Herunder også etablering af kontakt til potentielle danske partnere, relevante offentlige myndigheder, uddannelses- og forskningsinstitutioner. Invest in Denmark arrangerer besøgsprogrammer og praktisk assistance i forbindelse med konkret etablering i Danmark. Arbejdet med udenlandske investorer foregår i fuld fortrolighed, med mindre andet er aftalt. Du kan læse om konkrete investeringsprojekter og se udvalgte video cases på Invest in Denmark's hjemmeside.
Du er velkommen til at kontakte Invest in Denmarks medarbejdere i München for yderligere information om arbejdet.